Comments on: Amputation Fetishism Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Tue, 17 Jan 2017 00:11:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alice Mon, 25 Jan 2016 10:35:04 +0000 Personally suffering from this, I’ve got a pair of crutches off amazon, and I’d be willing to pay for the amputation. No regrets.

It’s got a lot of stigma attached though – it’s hard explaining to an amputee, for example. I don’t want sympathy or to be cared for, and I hate that there are people who lose limbs that they want to keep. But for me, taking the leg away would be like removing a tumour – a massive relief, and a necessity.

I hope I’m not phrasing any of this badly, I don’t mean to cause offence after all. Just hoping I can help explain.

By: Chika Fri, 27 Mar 2015 09:33:36 +0000 If someone having such a disorder is curable of the psychological state the doctors willing in removal of the clients requested limb or limbs can seem quite strange, yet in reality who is it really hurting? The client? No. To them removala a life saver.The doctor/doctors? No. Need to see potential in lim b donation. Think possitive. Society? No. Only when people look down upon illness strange or not.

By: Pino Thu, 04 Dec 2014 00:34:15 +0000

John M. said: “Ultimately, our bodies belong to God, and we should not mutilate them.”

“If your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better to enter [everlasting] life crippled than to have you and your two feet tossed into the burn pit.” — Yeshua of Nazareth, Mark 9:45

By: phaetalistic Sun, 20 Apr 2014 21:44:52 +0000 It is my belief, and has been for most of my life that:

“You (meaning all humans) have the right to do what you want as long as what you want does not deprive or harm anyone else.” That means you have the right to do things that other people would consider harm to yourself, as long as you are not harming other people.

There is, of course, grey areas in this philosophy. – ie suicide or doing hard drugs until your life spins out of control.

After much thought I personally believe in many cases(not all) you have the right to commit suicide, even though it does harm your loved ones with your loss.

But if your pain is so severe that you cannot bear to exist anymore, I would hazard a guess that the pain of you existing is greater than the pain caused by your loss.

And for people that do hard drugs, they are obviously trying to escape or numb themselves to…something…

Like, I said…Grey areas. However, overall I would say the philosophy is decent.

After all, any good life philosophy will have many grey areas to be puzzled out based on an internal compass and the circumstances of the moment. Its when humans start creating absolute truisms that we run into trouble.

So in the context of the article, who am I or anyone else to tell a person what they want is wrong?

If people are unhappy with their limbs, and the fact that they have certain limbs is destroying their joy in life, who am I or anyone else to try and force them into a concept of “right’?

By: Khalid Omar Sat, 12 Apr 2014 13:27:41 +0000

Vorador said: “i dont think its a bad thing at all…its our body, not the governments…we can get tattoos and body piercings…of course i agree that they are less drastic but, i also feel that they fall into the same category.”

I agree with you – I feel we also need to problematise the ways in which such things become pathologised. (Apologies for British English spelling)

If something is difficult to understand or contradicts the ways in which so called normal people think and do – we have a need to categorise such things as a form of madness of perversion.

What if we stopped trying to interpret the things people do and attempt to actually understand it? What if we allow people true ownership of their bodies and stopped telling people how they should look, or how to adhere to current trends of beauty and so on?

I think this article is written in a really problematic way – that allows us to just bracket such people within narratives of madness – as we still consider trans people in the same way, and as we once used to consider gay people.

By: kola112 Fri, 01 Apr 2011 15:40:52 +0000 Hello Allen Bellows my name is handy i saw the pictures of proshesis and i have the same problem how can i get the contact of the people that do this proshesis i look forward to your reply please..


By: ShowerRockGod Tue, 12 Jan 2010 20:57:31 +0000 First off, I never said I was a doctor. I simply know a bit about how amputation affects the body since I’ve had a brother and a grandmother that needed them. One for osteosarcoma and the other for diabetes. It’s not a decision any doctor should make lightly or a responsibility to be taken on a whim. It can be deadly.
Next, while most medical universities do not require the Hippocratic oath (which I assume you are referring to and admittedly the one I had in mind) many have a revised version that they have new doctors swear too. While these may vary in form and phrasing, all of them follow the spirit of the Hippocratic Oath. The argument I was making is that doctors should be held to these standards because we cannot afford as a society to let them lapse.

By: 1441 Thu, 10 Dec 2009 02:25:40 +0000 Shower Rock God….. How did I know you were NOT a doctor? You said if a doctor takes his “oath” seriosly….
doctors don’t take “OATHS”.. only NON-MD’s believe that one.

By: 1441 Thu, 10 Dec 2009 02:23:45 +0000 ShowerRockGod — What a pompous post! The post is not internally consistent. You parade like a doctor but I KNOW you are a nurse and a first class Baptist. Meet me in the Carribean for a little post doctoral brush up?
What’s the problem? Wannabee’s are not proposing YOUR body part be amputated are they?
Are you in charge of MY body parts?

By: 1441 Thu, 10 Dec 2009 02:08:48 +0000 OH yea I read the bullshit comments about dumping the leg by the road? …. gangrene…. bled to death…..
bogus stuff. A first year intern (not even a surgeon yet) could amputate any appendage with complete impunity.
Harvey Cushing was performing transphenoidal pitutitary ablation proceedures in 1898 and claiming a 98% success rate (probably not true more like 25%… :-) ) … This proceecure was performed without anesthesia or antibiotics. What’s the surgery? —- Brain surgery. Pituitary gland for acromegally.
All these alarmist comments are complete baloney. I have seen complete accidental amputations in cesspools, autorepair shops, people swimming and run over by boats, sharks, gorillas, chimanzees, animals.. ….. get a grip folks.
I guess the real proof is answering the question…… “any regrets”… (probably not)
