Comments on: This Looks Like a Job for Vermin! Fascinating true stories from science, history, and psychology since 2005 Tue, 16 Aug 2022 13:01:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: JarvisLoop Tue, 16 Aug 2022 13:01:19 +0000 Finished.

By: Frak Reynolds Mon, 18 Jan 2021 09:05:49 +0000 In 2020, Magawa, a giant African pouched rat was awarded the PSGA gold medal for bravery by Britain. It located 39 land mines and 28 other unexploded ordnance. Thanks to the efforts of this rat and others, over a million people now don’t have to worry about being blown up by old landmines or other ordnance located nearby.

By: Dakota Fri, 09 Jan 2015 16:15:24 +0000 This is god awfully inhumane… I understand the whole bomb sniffing and training them that way, but inserting things into their brain to control there movements?! What the hell is wrong with people..

By: Frank Mon, 18 Feb 2013 08:01:42 +0000 When a man has pity on all living creatures then only is he noble.

~~~~~The Buddha~~~~

By: ChiefOf10 Sat, 11 Sep 2010 02:46:45 +0000 I stumbled across this article in an online news website –found it kinda scary especially because I remembered reading the above article…

By: Mirage_GSM Wed, 04 Mar 2009 14:48:54 +0000 [quote]thisismyseriousside! said: “God Tink!!!! Thanks alot. I’m going to have nightmares for weeks. Geez. But on a more serious note, Is it really so terrible that they are “training” rats without food incentive…hmmm.”[/quote]
Actually I think given the choice, the rats would probably choose the electrodes over food as an incentive…

By: Anthropositor Sat, 29 Mar 2008 21:46:55 +0000 To all those constantly engaged in the childish game of First, second, fourteenth, ad nauseum, it is not just five letters. It is not clever. It is an ongoing waste of time. It fills the comments section on all of these different essays with idle minded litter that most certainly reduces the readership of an otherwise unusually worthy blog.

It is simply exhausting, and an incredible waste of time to wade through it and other similarly ill thought out nonsense. That doesn’t mean that genuine wit and humor and whimsy are out of place, but most of us can tell the difference between a wit and a half wit. Idiocy combined with more idiocy NEVER produces intelligence.

By: Orbean Sun, 30 Sep 2007 06:06:38 +0000 Hopefully someone teaches a rat to cook up some tasty French cuisine soon . . .

By: orc_jr Fri, 07 Sep 2007 04:04:03 +0000 [quote]Meathammer said: “On the contrary, he more than likely is more qualified to determine that than anyone else. I myself am a veteran and I spent 20 months in a warzone out of my 4 years in the Army. After reading that Washington Post article, I completely empathised with the Colonel and the robot as well. Imagine going through a deployment seeing the effects of IED’s and other horible devices of war. Risking a strench of credulity, imagine seeing a fellow soldier pull themself along some dusty road using the few limbs they have left. Then, imagine being home, safe, thousands of miles away from there, supervising the testing of machines that would stop such things from happening again. Imagine seeing that robot pathetically pull it’s self along just as you saw that soldier do when you were in the box. Now what would you say?”[/quote]

To call the act of destroying a robot built expressly for the purpose of detonating landmines “inhumane” is idiotic. Whatever unfortunate flashbacks from which this nameless Colonel may suffer do not in fact qualify him to change that.

By: Nicki the Heinous Mon, 27 Aug 2007 21:55:20 +0000 [quote]Radiatidon said: ”

There are others, but these are the most commonly used. Hope this helps.

The Don.”[/quote]

Thank you!
