Luna was the most affectionate, snuggly, purry kitty this group of humans has ever encountered. Alan adopted her when she was about 6 months old, mere months before our first post on Damn Interesting.

  • Her two great loves were new people and left shoulders.
  • Her purr was like an out-of-tune diesel engine, and it was seldom switched off.
  • Scores of Damn Interesting articles were researched and written with a Luna on the lap.
  • If she wasn’t nearby, just whistling a few notes would summon her without fail.
  • Luna had very pink toes.
  • If you put your nose to hers, she would lick it.
  • When you stood up, she would steal your spot.
  • She loved laying on a standing person’s feet.
  • Luna’s meow was featured in a chapter of our audio book.
  • Luna was made of cat food. Cat food is made of star stuff.

Luna, your time was far too abbreviated. The world is a less delightful place without you, and we miss you. Thank you for being such a damn good kitty.