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The Alcatraz Redemption

Officially, there were never any successful escape attempts from California's notorious Alcatraz Prison. Nicknamed 'T...
Site News:

Damn Downtime

Apologies for the nasty patches of downtime recently... our hosting provider seems to have experienced some heavy tec...

Davy Crockett: King of the Atomic Frontier

On 17 July 1962, a caravan of scientists, military men, and dignitaries crossed the remote desert of southern Nevada...

John Frum and the Cargo Cults

Every year on February 15th, natives of Tanna Island in the Republic of Vanuatu hold a grand celebration in honor of...

The Wilhelm Scream

In the 1951 movie Distant Drums starring Gary Cooper, a small band of soldiers were crossing a swamp in pursuit of Se...

The PEPCON Disaster

Just before lunchtime on May 4th, 1988, at a facility near Henderson, Nevada, a panicked maintenance crew could be se...

An Impostor in the Family

Imagine, if you will, that one by one your friends and family-- the people closest to you-- are being removed and rep...

Clever Hans the Math Horse

In the late 1800s, a German high school mathematics instructor named Wilhelm Von Osten was pushing a few scientific e...
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