‘Remember the Internet’: An Encyclopedia of Online Life

‘Horrific’: swarms of spiders flee into homes – and up legs – to escape NSW floods

How Van Gogh paid for his mentally ill sister’s care decades after his death

Billions of Day-Old Chicks Are Shredded, Gassed, and Suffocated

Photos of Iceland’s Fagradalsfjall Volcano

Margarita Gracheva’s ex-husband cut off her hands. Now, she has a show on Russian TV

How Cairo Became a Cosmopolitan Destination in the 1920s

How Ancient ‘Deer’ Lost Their Legs and Became Whales

How Mary Fields Became “Stagecoach Mary”

The wannabe food influencer who’s wanted by the FBI

The ancient fabric that no one knows how to make

Physicists Discover the Elusive Odderon, First Predicted 50 Years Ago

Erasing Women from Science? There’s a Name for That

Long-Dormant Volcano in Iceland Awakens in Fiery Eruption

The Secret Auction That Set Off the Race for AI Supremacy

Can Magic Mushrooms Heal Us?

Video: What a vaccine’s “efficacy rate” actually means [7:01]

Where Are Those Shoes You Ordered? Check the Ocean Floor

Spacewatch: mission to clean up space debris set for launch

How Mrs. Edge Saved the Birds

Sequoyah and the Almost-Forgotten History of Cherokee Numerals

The story behind Albert Einstein’s most iconic photo

The mysterious cause of sea star wasting syndrome is a mystery no more

Video: Glitterbomb Trap Catches Phone Scammer (who gets arrested) [23:13]

Earth Has Been Hiding a Fifth Layer in Its Inner Core

Mile-long ship tunnel will offer safe passage through hazardous peninsula

Weirdo Manta Shark Found Fossilized in Mexican Limestone

The Mystery of ‘Harriet Cole’

This week: Drugged ursines, Antikythera secrets, quantum bacteria, and more

Wormholes Open for Transport

Video: Introducing the Baroque Theorbo [9:58]

America’s Covid Swab Supply Depends on Two Cousins Who Hate Each Other

Oil firms knew decades ago fossil fuels posed grave health risks, files reveal

The True Story Behind ‘The Courier’

Scientists starved E. coli for 1200 days to learn about bacterial evolution

The Not-So-Straightforward Story of Women and Trousers

All Kinds of Marine Animals Are Mysteriously Circling in Bizarre Discovery

The Pastry A.I. That Learned to Fight Cancer

A mouse embryo has been grown in an artificial womb—humans could be next

Astronomers Spot ‘Unique Meteorological Beast’ on Jupiter

Ebola may persist in the body for years before sparking new outbreaks

Scientists determine the origin of extra-solar object ‘Oumuamua

The mystery of ‘lost’ rock genius Lee Mavers

Watch Albert Einstein Explain His Theory of Relativity in Historic Footage

Perseverance rover captures the sounds of driving on Mars

Oil firms knew decades ago fossil fuels posed grave health risks, files reveal

Facial Recognition: What Happens When We’re Tracked Everywhere We Go?

José Epita Mbomo, the Spanish electrician who sabotaged the Nazis

The bizarre link between bird migration and quantum physics

New curio by J. A. Macfarlane: The Comforts of the Throne

Ghost stars: The radical theory that could solve the mystery of dark matter

Video: Microscopic Alien-Looking Worms [3:24]

Why Don’t Some People Seem to Get Hangovers?

The teenager behind last year’s big celebrity Twitter hack is going to prison

The Victims of Agent Orange the U.S. Has Never Acknowledged

Strange microbe “breathes” nitrates using a mitochondria-like symbiont

How Do You Kill an Invasive Species? Bring in a Bigger, Meaner Species to Eat It

Why Did the USS Thresher Sink? New Declassified Documents Reveal the Truth

How a metal with a memory will shape our future on Mars

Skoltech and MIT researchers identify optimal human landing system architectures to land on the Moon