Scientists harness a rare true blue color from nature — in red cabbage

Video: A British Columbia man discovers he was kidnapped as a baby [3:29]

Why Extreme Heat Might Cancel Your Flight

How one naughty bird cheats with fancy feather structures

Massive flare seen on the closest star to the solar system: What it means for chances of alien neighbors

Scans of Medieval Skeletons Show Cancer Has Been Common Longer Than We Thought

In the Andes, Bright Colors Tell the Dark Story of a Dying Lake

New device uses bioluminescent bacteria to track down buried explosives

Wolf packs don’t actually have alpha males and alpha females, the idea is based on a misunderstanding

Where’s the Dark Matter? Look for Suspiciously Warm Planets

Wild Donkeys and Horses Dig Wells That Provide Water for a Host of Desert Species

Receding glaciers causing rivers to suddenly disappear

A Year Without Germs

High Energy Cosmic Ray Sources Mapped Out for the First Time

Possible new type of glacier just discovered on Mars

Huge Region of Europe Destroyed by Asteroid Impact in Planetary Defense Exercise

NASA solar probe becomes fastest object ever built as it ‘touches the sun’

What the sound of your name says about you

Stars That Race through Space at Nearly the Speed of Light

Why it’s nearly impossible to buy an original Bob Ross painting

Do snakes have ears?

Moderna’s founder says mRNA can treat a wide range of diseases

Image: A photorealistic rendering of George Washington if he lived in the present day

Sentenced to life in prison at 16, Adolfo Davis hoped a Supreme Court ruling would give him a chance at a new beginning. But nothing about freedom turned out as he expected

Image: The interaction of two doomed stars created this spectacular ring adorned with bright clumps of gas

How the Pentagon Started Taking U.F.O.s Seriously

Video: Why West Africa keeps inventing writing systems [10:06]

China’s space station launch might cost lives on the ground

On this day in 1943 a seemingly convenient corpse washed ashore in Spain

What We’re Learning About Ingenuity’s Flight Control and Aerodynamic Performance

Video: Why the US has two different highway fonts [5:07]

The Unspoken Wedge Between Parents and Grandparents

How a university got itself banned from the Linux kernel

An underground tank at Hanford Nuclear Reservation is leaking gallons of radioactive chemical waste

This week: Radioactive honey, gravity-powered batteries, long lost coffee, and more

Objectophilia: On the People Who Fall in Love with Inanimate Things

The Farmer Trying to Save Italy’s Ancient Olive Trees

Weird viral DNA spills secrets to biologists

Why are pets so good for mental health? Science explains

Zulu Queen Mantfombi Dlamini dies a month after becoming regent

Video: The Theory That Could Rewrite the Laws of Physics [5:42]

One incredible ocean crossing may have made human evolution possible

We’ve measured the size of Venus’s planetary core for the first time

Life finds a way: in search of England’s lost, forgotten rainforests

Scenes From Off-World: A photo album of our solar system

The man who stole a hotel

A “strange, giant” galaxy is breaking all the rules

Watch This Test Flight of the World’s Largest Airplane

Video: NASA Sees Tides Under Ocean’s Surface [3:11]

All Aboard Tito’s Train: A Dictator’s Time Capsule of Luxury Travel

Neanderthal in the mirror: our changing perceptions of these ancient humans

Shhhh, they’re listening – inside the coming voice-profiling revolution

Researchers ‘shocked’ to find Egyptian mummy was a pregnant woman

We may have just discovered why Parkinson’s patients see ‘ghosts’

Climate change has made the world’s deadliest lake way more dangerous

Queen of the S.R.O.

Molecules wrangled into single quantum state in breakthrough experiment

A fictitious asteroid is headed our way, and a group of real experts is currently doing their best to deal with the grim situation

Archaeologists Discover 110 Ancient Egyptian Tombs Along the Nile Delta

How climate change moved Earth’s axis