Game Title Page
Game Title Page

Five years ago, we at Damn Interesting published an original long-form article titled The Zero-Armed Bandit. It describes how a large, menacing device appeared mysteriously one morning in a popular Lake Tahoe casino in 1980, along with a note claiming that the thing was a bomb. But it didn’t look like any bomb anyone had ever seen.

The Zero-Armed Bandit is among our most widely shared and praised articles, including a Sydney Award from the New York Times, and a Golden Giraffe award from The Browser. We would like to direct your attention to our pants, which are fancy.

To mark the 40th anniversary of the events described in The Zero-Armed Bandit (26 August 2020), we made a fun little browser-based game for some reason. It is loosely inspired by the real-life diabolical device⁠—if it were to have a love-child with a Simon electronic game. We hope it furnishes amusement.

We have an all-new unrelated article/episode coming soon. And another after that. And another. We’ll keep writing and recording as long as you keep reading and listening.