Nearest Exoplanet to Our Solar System

Explosion from the early universe illuminates secret black hole

Bizarre ‘worm tornado’ in New Jersey has scientists baffled

The World’s Largest Pyramid Is Hidden Within a Hill

How NASA’s MOXIE Could Change Mars Forever

Video: Heliozoa: Spiky, Sticky Sun Animalcules [9:21]

Energy-harvesting card treats 5G networks as wireless power grids

How Einstein Became a Celebrity

These Mutant Rabbits Walk on Two Legs, and Geneticists Now Know Why

The real reason humans are the dominant species

Video: How Used Chopsticks Are Turned Into Tables, Tiles, And Other Furniture [5:47]

‘Experience: I tracked down my impostor’

How mRNA Technology Could Change the World

70 years ago today a pipe bomb exploded in Grand Central Terminal. It was but the first of many.

A remnant of a protoplanet may be hiding inside Earth

Suez Canal traffic resumes after cargo ship Ever Given is moving again

The Vampire Ship

Gallery: Suez Canal crisis from space: see shipping backlog in satellite images

His Plane Crashed in the Amazon. Then Came the Hard Part.

Bioplastic made from wood powder entirely degrades in three months

Stalin statue site reveals chilling remains of Prague labour camp

This High Schooler Invented Color-Changing Sutures to Detect Infection

How Mary Wortley Montagu’s bold experiment led to smallpox vaccine – 75 years before Jenner

Ancient Rocks Reveal When Earth’s Plate Tectonics Began

How can some planets be hotter than stars? We’ve started to unravel the mystery

NASA Says Asteroid Apophis Isn’t A Risk To Earth For 100 More Years

The Bombs That Never Went Off

The Lion Hunt of Ashurbanipal: The 2700-year-old ‘fake news’

The Actress, the Steward and the Ocean Liner: What Really Happened in Cabin 126?

Is there such thing as a maximum temperature?

Buildings made with fungi could live, grow — and then biodegrade

Merck’s Little Brown Pill Could Transform the Fight Against Covid

The Mathematical Pranksters behind Nicolas Bourbaki

The U.S. Is One Step Closer to Establishing a Research Program to Block the Sun

Video: This is why we can’t have nice things [17:29]

The truth about lying

Video: Metric Paper & Everything in the Universe [8:43]

This week: Rainbow science, Einstein’s paparazzi, new layers of the Earth, and more!

How humans became the best throwers on the planet

The Rise and Fall of the Jet Pack

It looks like a saxophone but plays 512 notes — many you’ve never heard before

World War II in Color

The forgotten medieval fruit with a vulgar name

What Killed These Bald Eagles? After 25 Years, We Finally Know.

NASA planet hunter spied 2,200 candidate worlds in its first 2 years

The scientists releasing cats in Australia

GCHQ releases ‘most difficult puzzle ever’ in honour of Alan Turing

The Deepest Diver in the History of Free Diving Goes Below the Ice

The Ancient Method That Keeps Afghanistan’s Grapes Fresh All Winter

Lava, floating rocks and the Blob: the mystery behind the deaths of millions of seabirds

A brief history of the Suez Canal

‘My father, the killer’

Video: How Humans Became (Mostly) Right-Handed [9:59]

The Solution of the Zodiac Killer’s 340-Character Cipher

Octopus sleep includes a frenzied, colorful, ‘active’ stage

Lunar cave explorer

The ‘sheep’ that can photosynthesise

A Man Demanded His Final Paycheck. The Auto Shop Delivered 91,500 Greasy Pennies.

How to Land on an Alien World

Scratching the surface: the use of sheepskin parchment to deter textual erasure in early modern legal deeds