Category: Announcements • Page 2/5

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A Special Note to the Writers at The Dollop

Dear The Dollop podcast: Please stop plagiarizing our content. Sincerely, the unwilling authors of some of your episodes.
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May Have Settled

It was early in the morning on the 1st of May 1832 in New York City. The ordinarily gentle horse-drawn traffic of the...
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The Damn Interesting Article Accelerator

We here at Damn Interesting don't manage to post new articles quite as often as we'd like. We relish researching and...
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Can I Borrow a Feeling?

In 1973, a trio of psychologists convened in a preschool classroom to perform a diabolical experiment upon unsuspecti...
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Apocalypse on the Set

We are pleased to announce that Damn Interesting contributor Ben Taylor has just published a shiny new book that is s...
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Writer on the Storm

As you may have noticed, until about a week ago the Damn Interesting web server was about as sturdy as a pair of pape...
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It’s About Damn Time

(This post's content expired, but its husk remains here as a historical curiosity).
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Something’s Afoot at Damn Interesting

We at Damn Interesting are happy to announce that we have officially returned from our spontaneous hiatus. One might...
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A Series of Unfortunate Hacks

For the past several weeks, Damn Interesting has been repeatedly violated by a gaggle of Russian hackers. Their stra...
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Damn Deadlines

As the manuscript-delivery deadline approaches for our Damn Interesting book, we must take drastic action to avoid be...
... in donations in the next ....